Facilities & Resources
The main part of the planetary science activity at Caltech is located in the first floor of the South Mudd building. Several laboratory activities are found at lower levels and in adjacent buildings and are described in the web pages of individual faculty. Geoff Blake maintains a laboratory for cosmochemistry and spectroscopy and Bethany Ehlmann maintains a laboratory for spectroscopy of geological samples and the study of weathering processes. Observing facilities include the Keck telescopes in Hawaii, Palomar, the Owens Valley radio observatories, and the CSO (Caltech submillimeter Observatory). Computing facilities include the Caltech's High Performance Cluster.
JPL is a few miles away and many planetary scientists at Caltech interact or collaborate with colleagues at JPL ,especially in mission-related research. In addition, a number of JPL scientist are frequently present on campus.
Research Facilities

The goal of the Murray Lab is to develop and implement state-of-the-art image processing, visualization and data integration techniques.

The 3CPE is an interdisciplinary center which merges the fields of astronomy, geology, and biology to answer questions about the origin and evolution of planetary systems and their biospheres.

Faculty and student researchers in GPS have access to an array of specialized facilities and instruments for probing and revealing the world we live in.