Glacial dropstone formation Oman
Candor Chasma, Mars. Strata exposed in the great Vallis Marineris (much deeper than the Grand Canyon) include folded Ca- and Mg-sulfate deposits, which represent an early environmental record of Mars.
Warawonna Stromatolites 3.4 Ga
Field Work: Measuring sectionsin the Edicaran-age Huqf Supergroup, along the coastline of the Sultanate of Oman.
Banded Iron formation Hammersley Formation
Ediacarn fossils Mistaken Point Newfoundland
John Abelson takes a rest on a 2.55 billion-year-old giant stromatolite, Nothern Cape Province, South Africa
Giant Ooids of the Johnnie Formation
Stromatolites with chert laminations from the Late Archean (ca. 2.55 Ga) Malmani carbonate plateform, South Africa
Thrombolite-Stromatolite Reef, Nama Group
A Strelley Pool Formation stromatolites. These stromatolites, discovered by Abby Allwood (JPL), provide strong evidence for the presence of early life on Earth, and are ~3.45 billion years old. They are located in the Pilbara craton of Western Australia.
Grand Canyon. Strata exposed in these walls, first stromatolite, Nothern Cape Province, South Africa examined by John Wesley Powell, still constitute one of the most impressive records of the evolution of life on earth.