Account Termination and Expiration Policy
Undergrad students, graduate students, Postdocs and research staff:
- GPS accounts will be closed one year after graduating/leaving Caltech.
- Data on the unix home directory will be archived to tape after one year. Requests to restore your home will require a charge account.
- Requests for special extension for academic collaboration will be granted if a written request is made and approved by a faculty member and approved by the Computer Advisory Committee. This extension will be reviewed on a yearly basis.
- Personal website and public ftp directory will be closed together with the GPS account.
Administrative Staff:
- GPS mail account will be closed one year after leaving Caltech, provided that the staff is leaving in good standing with Caltech.
- No data will be backed up. Please backup all your personal data/email and take it with you before your last day with Caltech.
- Personal website and public ftp directory will be closed together with the GPS account.
- Visitor's GPS Division Unix/Email accounts will be closed one quarter after the guest has left the Division.
- No data will be backed up. Please backup all your data and take it with you before your last day with Caltech. Please also make arrangements with your research collaborators to store your research data.
- Requests for a special extension for academic collaboration will be granted if the written request is made and approved by a faculty member and approved by the Computer Advisory Committee. This extension will be reviewed on a yearly basis.
- Personal website and public ftp directory will be closed together with the unix account.
*** If our mail server receives a significant volume of bounced emails from your forwarding destination account due to that account being full or closed, we reserve the right to terminate your forward without notice.