George R. Rossman
Professor of Mineralogy
Research Options
Research Areas
A major focus of attention is the relationship between the spectroscopic properties of minerals and their composition and structure. Topics include trace hydrous components in minerals, metal ion site occupancy, effects of natural ionizing radiation, and X-ray amorphous materials.
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Hydrous Components in Nominally Anhydrous Minerals
Hydrogen is one of the most pervasive elements in the crust and upper mantle of our planet. It is a mobile, reactive component which can cause major changes in the chemical, physical, rheological, and electronic properties of the host phase. Much of the effort of our group is directed at investigating the possibility that hydrogen, in some chemical form (typically OH- and H2O), can enter the structure of major minerals which are usually formulated as anhydrous. These studies rely heavily upon spectroscopic methods of analysis because they can determine both the chemical species present and, with proper calibration, the amount of hydrogen present. ... more ...
Spectroscopy of Minerals
Spectroscopic probes ranging in energy from gamma rays to microwaves play an important role in contemporary mineral studies. They are used to identify the cations which are present in a mineral, their concentration, their crystallographic site, and the identity of ions in the immediate vicinity of the target ion. Our students and postdocs have played a prominent role in the development and application of these methods. Special attention is directed at systems where the spectroscopic response is not proportional to the sum of the response of the individual components. Intervalance charge transfer processes which involve two or more cations which can exist in different oxidation states are most important. The Fe2+ - Fe3+ and Fe2+ - Ti4+ interactions, which are particularly important in establishing the color of many common minerals such as micas, amphiboles, and pyroxenes, have been the object of much research.
Radiation-induced DamageRead More
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Instructor: Rossman
Instructor: Rossman
Instructor: Rossman
Instructor: Rossman
Instructor: Rossman
Instructors: Asimow, Jackson, Rossman
Instructor: Rossman