Geochemistry Facilities
Our Department
Geochemistry faculty have laboratories in the Arms, North Mudd, South Mudd, and Beckman Institute buildings.

The north side of the GPS complex. The tall Millikan library is at left center and Arms lab is to the right of the library. North Mudd is on the right half of the image.

Aerial Photograph of the SW portion of campus showing the location of the GPS buildings.

Arms lab, where our mineral synthesis facilities, mineral spectroscopy labs, and solid-state analytical facilities are localted.

Several mass spectrometers for isotopic studies and organic geochemistry facilities are housed in North Mudd lab.

The Linde Center houses an analytical facility devoted to solutions, an atmospheric chemistry lab, and mass spectrometers for isotopic studies.

Second floor walkway between North Mudd and Arms, looking east towards the entrance to Arms Lab through a California Live Oak tree.

The cosmochemistry and ultrafast laser spectroscopy labs are in the basement of South Mudd.