Shrinivas R. (Shri) Kulkarni
George Ellery Hale Professor of Astronomy and Planetary Science
Research Options
Over the past nearly two decades, along with my current students, post-doctoral fellows, long-term associates and former students and post-doctoral scholars, I have worked on millisecond pulsars, old neutron stars, young neutron stars, brown dwarfs, soft gamma-ray repeaters, supernova remnants, gamma-ray bursts and new types of optical transients. I love surfing the electromagnetic spectrum and building new gizmos My publications can be found via ADS or Astroph. A CV and bibliography can be found here. Information to contact me can be found here .
During 2007, my teaching schedule is as follows: (Fall) visiting IAS, Princeton, (Winter) "Astronomical Techniques" and (Spring) "High Energy Astrophysics". I take keen interest in the academic life of the Astronomy graduate students and was the Option Rep (relinquishing Jan 1, 2006). I have been involved in graduate admissions.
I hold a McArthur Professorhip in Astronomy & Planetary Science. Starting 2006, I have served as Director of the Caltech Optical Observatories (which include Palomar, the W. M. Keck Observatory partnership and the Thirty Meter Telescope partnership). Starting 2007 I am an Andrew D. White Professor-at-large at Cornell University.
I have a life-long interest in interferometry. In November 2003, I assumed the position of Science Director for the Michelson Science Center. I am co-PI (with Mike Shao) on Extra-Solar Planet Interferometric Survey (EPICs), one of the key projects of the Space Interferometry Mission (SIM) for extra-solar planets as well as the Interdisciplinary Scientist for SIM. I am PI of PHASES, a key project on the Palomar Testbed Interferometer, and perhaps the best astrometric planet search on this planet.
Over time I have drifted from radio astronomy to optical astronomy. I love using telescopes and am familiar with Arecibo Observatory, the Very Large Array, Parkes Observatory , Palomar Observatory, and Keck Observatory. I serve on the Keck Operations Group.
Along with Dale Frail , and my Caltech colleague Fiona Harrison, I have an active "Cosmic Explosions" program centered around the VLA, Palomar, Keck and several other telescopes all over the world. Harrison and I spearheaed an efforr to roboticize the Palomar 60-inch | telescope . This program is dedicated the study of transient objects particularly in coordination with the SWIFT hard X-ray
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