Michael C. Gurnis
John E. and Hazel S. Smits Professor of Geophysics; Director, Schmidt Academy for Software Engineering
B.S., University of Arizona, 1982; Ph.D., Australian National University, 1987. Associate Professor, Caltech, 1994-96; Professor, 1996-2005. Smits Professor, 2005-. Associate Director, Seismological Laboratory, 1995-2003; Director, 2009-24; Director, Schmidt Academy, 2019-; Allen Leadership Chair, 2023-24.
Research Summary
Global geodynamics: mantle convection, plate tectonics and the dynamic coupling between mantle processes and continental and sea floor geology; chemical and thermal evolution of the mantle and crust; Marine geophysics; computational geophysics: frameworks, finite element analysis, and parallel processing.
Research Options
For an up to date publication list with PDF reprints, please visit http://web.gps.caltech.edu/~gurnis/publications/index.html
Ge 102. Introduction to Geophysics.
9 units (3-0-6); second term, 2023-24.
Prerequisites: Ma 2, Ph 2, or Ge 108, or equivalents.
An introduction to the physics of the earth. The present internal structure and dynamics of the earth are considered in light of constraints from the gravitational and magnetic fields, seismology, and mineral physics. The fundamentals of wave propagation in earth materials are developed and applied to inferring Earth structure. The earthquake source is described in terms of seismic and geodetic signals. The following are also considered: the contributions that heat-flow, gravity, paleomagnetic, and earthquake mechanism data have made to our understanding of plate tectonics, the driving mechanism of plate tectonics, and the energy sources of mantle convection and the geodynamo.
Instructor: Gurnis
Instructor: Gurnis
Ge 11 d. Introduction to Earth and Planetary Sciences: Geophysics.
9 units (3-0-6); second term, 2023-24.
Prerequisites: Ch 1, Ma 2 a, Ph 2 a.
An introduction to the geophysics of the solid earth; formation of planets; structure and composition of Earth; interactions between crust, mantle, and core; surface and internal dynamics; mantle convection; imaging of the interior; seismic tomography. Although Ge 11 abcd is designed as a sequence, any one term can be taken as a standalone course.
Instructor: Gurnis
Instructor: Gurnis
Ge 163. Geodynamics.
9 units (3-0-6); third term, 2023-24.
Prerequisites: Ae/Ge/ME 160 ab.
Quantitative introduction to the dynamics of the earth, including core, mantle, lithosphere, and crust. Mechanical models are developed for each of these regions and compared to a variety of data sets. Potential theory applied to the gravitational and geomagnetic fields. Special attention is given to the dynamics of plate tectonics and the earthquake cycle.
Instructor: Gurnis
Instructor: Gurnis
Ge 102. Introduction to Geophysics.
9 units (3-0-6); second term, 2022-23.
Prerequisites: Ma 2, Ph 2, or Ge 108, or equivalents.
An introduction to the physics of the earth. The present internal structure and dynamics of the earth are considered in light of constraints from the gravitational and magnetic fields, seismology, and mineral physics. The fundamentals of wave propagation in earth materials are developed and applied to inferring Earth structure. The earthquake source is described in terms of seismic and geodetic signals. The following are also considered: the contributions that heat-flow, gravity, paleomagnetic, and earthquake mechanism data have made to our understanding of plate tectonics, the driving mechanism of plate tectonics, and the energy sources of mantle convection and the geodynamo.
Instructors: Clayton, Gurnis
Instructors: Clayton, Gurnis
Ge 11 d. Introduction to Earth and Planetary Sciences: Geophysics.
9 units (3-0-6); second term, 2022-23.
Prerequisites: Ch 1, Ma 2 a, Ph 2 a.
An introduction to the geophysics of the solid earth; formation of planets; structure and composition of Earth; interactions between crust, mantle, and core; surface and internal dynamics; mantle convection; imaging of the interior; seismic tomography. Although Ge 11 abcd is designed as a sequence, any one term can be taken as a standalone course.
Instructors: Clayton, Gurnis
Instructors: Clayton, Gurnis
Ge 163. Geodynamics.
9 units (3-0-6); third term, 2022-23.
Prerequisites: Ae/Ge/ME 160 ab.
Quantitative introduction to the dynamics of the earth, including core, mantle, lithosphere, and crust. Mechanical models are developed for each of these regions and compared to a variety of data sets. Potential theory applied to the gravitational and geomagnetic fields. Special attention is given to the dynamics of plate tectonics and the earthquake cycle.
Instructor: Gurnis
Instructor: Gurnis
Ge 263. Computational Geophysics.
9 units (3-0-6); first term, 2022-23.
Prerequisites: introductory class in geophysics, class in partial differential equations, some programming experience.
Finite-difference, pseudo-spectral, finite-element, and spectral-element methods will be presented and applied to a number of geophysical problems including heat flow, deformation, and wave propagation. Students will program simple versions of methods.
Given in alternate years; not offered 2022-23.
Instructors: Clayton, Gurnis
Instructors: Clayton, Gurnis