Mar Flexas
Senior Research Scientist
Ocean circulation and dynamics in high latitudes, mesoscale and submesoscale dynamics, shelf-slope processes, flow over submarine canyons
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Flexas, M.M., A.F. Thompson, M.P. Schodlok, H. Zhang, K. Speer (2022): Antarctic Peninsula warming triggers enhanced basal melt rates throughout West Antarctica. Science Advances, 8 (32),
Torres, H.S., P. Klein, J. Wang, A. Wineteer, B. Qiu, A.F. Thompson, E. Rodriguez, D. Menemenlis, A. Molod, C.N. Hill, E. Strobach, H. Zhang, M.M. Flexas, D. Perkovic-Martin (2022): Wind work at the air-sea interface: A Modeling Study in Anticipation of Future Space Missions, EGUsphere [preprint],
Mir-Arguimbau, J., M.M. Flexas, J. Salat, P. Martín, M. Balcells, N. Raventós, A. Sabatés (2022): Severe winter conditions improve recruitment success of blue whiting (Micromesistius poutassou), a temperate water fish species, in the NW Mediterranean Sea, Progress in Oceanography, 205, 102818,
D. Zúñiga, A. Sanchez-Vidal, M.M. Flexas, D. Carroll, M.M. Rufino, G. Spreen, A. Calafat, F.F. Abrantes (2021): Sinking diatom assemblages as a key driver for deep carbon and silicon export in the Scotia Sea (Southern Ocean). Front. Earth Sci., 9:579198.
L.M. Schulze Chretien, A.F. Thompson, M.M. Flexas, K. Speer, N. Swaim, R. Oelerich, X. Ruan, R. Schubert & C. LoBuglio (2021). The Shelf Circulation of the Bellingshausen Sea. Journal of Geophysical Research Oceans, 126, e2020JC016871.
Aguzzi, J., M.M. Flexas, S. Flögel, C. Lo Iacono, M. Tangherlini, C. Costa, S. Marini, N. Bahamon, S. Martini, E. Fanelli, R. Danovaro, S. Stefanni, L. Thomsen, G. Riccobene, M. Hildebrandt, I. Masmitja, J. Del Rio, E.B. Clark, A. Branch, P. Weiss, A.T. Klesh & M.P. Schodlok (2020): Exo-ocean exploration with deep-sea sensor and platform technologies. Astrobiology.
Siegelman, L., P. Klein, P. Rivière, A.F. Thompson, H.S. Torres, M.M. Flexas & D. Menemenlis (2020): Enhanced upward heat transport at deep submesoscale ocean fronts. Nature Geoscience, 13, 50–55.
Flexas, M.M., A.F. Thompson, H.S. Torres, P. Klein, T. Farrar, H. Zhang & D. Menemenlis (2019): Global estimates of the energy transfer from the wind to the ocean, with emphasis on near-inertial oscillations. Journal of Geophysical Research Oceans, 124, 5723-5746.
Salat, J., J. Pascual, M.M. Flexas, T.M. Chin & J. Vázquez-Cuervo (2019): Forty-five years of oceanographic and meteorological observations at a coastal station in the NW Mediterranean: a ground truth for satellite observations. Ocean Dynamics, 69, 1067-1084.
Siegelman, L., M. O'Toole, M.M. Flexas, P. Rivière & P. Klein (2019): Standing meander of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current as biological hotspot: Evidence from high-resolution southern elephant seal's observations. Scientific Reports, 9, 5588, 1-13.
Clark, E. B., A. Branch, S. Chien, F. Mirza, J. Farrara, Y. Chao, D. Fratantoni, D. Aragon, O. Schofield, M.M. Flexas & A.F. Thompson (2019): Station keeping underwater gliders using a predictive ocean current model and applications to SWOT calibration and validation. IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, 1-14.
Branch, A., M.M. Flexas, B. Claus, A.F. Thompson, Y. Zhang, E. B. Clark, S. Chien, D. Fratantoni, J.C. Kinsley, B. Hobson, B. Kieft & F. Chavez (2018): Front delineation and tracking with multiple underwater vehicles. Journal of Field Robotics, 36, 568-586.
Viglione, G., A. F. Thompson, M.M. Flexas, J. Sprintall & S. Schwartz (2018): Abrupt transitions in submesoscale structure in Southern Drake Passage: Glider observations and model results. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 48 (9), 2011-2027.
Flexas, M.M., M.I. Troesch, S. Chien, A.F. Thompson, S. Chu, A. Branch, J.D. Farrara & Y. Chao (2018): Autonomous sampling of ocean submesoscale fronts with ocean gliders and numerical model forecasting. J. Atmos. Oc. Tech, 35 (3), 503-521.
Bohoyo, F., R.D. Larter, J. Galindo-Zaldívar, P.T. Leat, A. Maldonado, A.J. Tate, M.M. Flexas, E.J.M. Gowland, J.E. Arndt, B. Dorschel, Y.D. Kim, J.K. Hong, J. López-Martínez, A. Maestro, O. Bermúdez, F.O. Nitsche, R.A. Livermore & T.R. Riley (2018): Morphological and geological features of Drake Passage, Antarctica, from a new digital bathymetric model, Journal of Maps, 15, 49-59.
Wang, J., L.L. Fu, B. Qiu, D. Menemenlis, J.T. Farrar, Y. Chao, A.F. Thompson & M.M. Flexas (2018): An observing system simulation experiment for the calibration and validation of the Surface Water and Ocean Topography sea surface height measurement using in-situ platforms. J. Atmos. Oc. Tech, 35, 281-297.
Romano, C., M.M. Flexas, M. Segura, S. Román, N. Bahamon, J.M. Gili, A. Sanchez-Vidal and D. Martin, 2017. Canyon effect and seasonal variability of deep-sea organisms in the NW Mediterranean: synchronous, year-long captures of "swimmers" from near-bottom sediment traps in a submarine canyon and its adjacent open slope, Deep-Sea Research Part I, 129, 99-115,
Ruan, X., A.F. Thompson, M.M. Flexas, J. Sprintall, 2017. Topographic closure of the overturning circulation in the Southern Ocean. Nature Geosciences,
Thompson, A.F., Y. Chao, S. Chien, J. Kinsey, M.M. Flexas, Z.K. Erickson, J. Farrara, D. Fratantoni, A. Branch, S. Chu, M. Troesch, B. Claus, and J. Kepper, 2017. Satellites to seafloor: Toward fully autonomous ocean sampling. Oceanography, 30(2), in press.
Flexas, M.M, M.R. Arias, and M.A. Ojeda, 2017: Hydrography and dynamics of Port Foster, Deception Island, Antarctica. Ant. Sci., 29, 83-93, doi: 10.1017/S0954102016000444.
Bohoyo, F., Larter, R.D., Galindo-Zaldívar, J., Leat, P.T., Maldonado, A., Tate, A.J., Gowland, E.J.M., Arndt, J.E., Dorschel, B., Kim, Y.D., Hong, J.K., Flexas, M., López-Martínez, J., Maestro, A., Bermudez, O., Nitsche, F.O., Livermore, R.A., Riley, T.R. 2016. Bathymetry and Geological Setting of the Drake Passage (1:1 500 000). BAS GEOMAP 2 Series, Sheet 7, British Antarctic Survey, Cambridge, UK.
Zhang, X., A.F. Thompson, M.M. Flexas, F. Roquet, and H. Bornemann, 2016: Circulation and meltwater distribution in the Bellingshausen Sea: From shelf break to coast. Geophys. Res. Lett., 43, 6402-6409, doi: 10.1002/2016GL068998.
Ahumada-Sempoal, M.A., M.M. Flexas, R. Bernardello, N. Bahamon, A. Cruzado, and C. Reyes-Hernández, 2015: Shelf-slope exchanges and particle dispersion in Blanes submarine canyon (NW Mediterranean Sea): A numerical study. Cont. Shelf Res., 109, 35-45.
Flexas, M.M, M.P. Schodlok, L. Padman, D. Menemenlis, and A.H. Orsi, 2015: Role of tides on the formation of the Antarctic Slope Front at the Weddell-Scotia Confluence. J. Geophys. Res. Oceans, 120, 3658–3680, doi:10.1002/2014JC010372.
Youngs, M.K., A.F. Thompson, M.M. Flexas, and K.J. Heywood, 2015: Weddell Sea export pathways from surface drifters. J. Phys. Oc., 45, 1068-1085.
León, P., J.M. Blanco, M.M. Flexas, D. Gomis, A. Reul et al., 2015: Surface mesoscale pico-nanoplankton patterns at the main fronts of the Alboran Sea. J. Mar. Sys., 143, 7-23.
Pasqual, C., A. Amores, M.M. Flexas, S. Monserrat, and A. Calafat, 2014: Environmental factors controlling particle mass fluxes around the Balearic Islands (Western Mediterranean). J. Mar. Sys., 138, 63-69.
Balbín, R., J.L. Lopez-Jurado, M.M. Flexas, P. Reglero, P. Vélez-Belchí, et al., 2014: Interannual variability of the early summer circulation around the Balearic Islands: driving factors and potential effects on the marine ecosystem. J. Mar. Sys., 138, 70-81.
Ahumada-Sempoal, M.A., M.M. Flexas, N. Bahamon, R. Bernardello, A. Cruzado, 2013: The Northern Current variability and its impact on the Blanes canyon circulation: A numerical study. Progress Oceanogr., 118, 61-70.
Fernández-Arcaya, U., G. Rotllant, E. Ramírez-Llodra, L. Recasens, J. Aguzzi, M.M. Flexas, et al. 2013: Reproductive biology and recruitment of the deep-fish community from the NW Mediterranean continental margin. Progress Oceanogr., 118, 222-234.
López-Fernández, P., A. Calafat, A. Sanchez-Vidal, M. Canals, M.M. Flexas, et al., 2013: Physical and biological drivers of particle fluxes in the Blanes submarine canyon and the adjacent open slope, NW Mediterranean. Progress Oceanogr., 118, 95-107.
Jordà, G., M.M. Flexas, M. Espino, and A. Calafat, 2013: Deep-flow variability in a deeply incised Mediterranean submarine valley: the Blanes canyon. Progress Oceanogr., 118, 47-60.
Aguzzi, J., J.B. Company, N. Bahamón, M.M. Flexas, S. Tecchio, et al., 2013: Deep-water nektobenthic migrations and resulting seasonal changes in the bathymetric distribution of benthos. Progress Oceanogr., 118, 210-221.
Xu, Y., E. Rignot, I. Fenty, D. Menemenlis, and M.M. Flexas, 2013: Subaqueous melting of Store Glacier, West Greenland from three-dimensional, high resolution numerical modelling and ocean observations. Geophysical Research Letters, 40, 1-6, 10.1002/grl.50825.
Ingels, J., A. Van Reusel, C. Romano, J. Coenjaerts, M.M. Flexas, et al., 2013: Spatial and temporal infaunal dynamics of the Blanes submarine canyon-slope system - productivity and disturbance effects on nematode standing stocks, feeding types and gender-life stage ratios. Progress Oceanogr., 118, 159-174.
Tecchio, S., E. Ramirez-Llodra, J. Aguzzi, A. Sanchez-Vidal, M.M. Flexas, et al., 2013: Seasonal fluctuations of deep megabenthos: finding the evidences of standing stock accumulation in a flux-rich continental slope. Progress Oceanogr., 118, 188-198.
Romano, C., J. Coenjaerts, M.M. Flexas, D. Zúñiga, A. Vanreusel, et al., 2013: Spatial and temporal variability of meiobenthic density in the Blanes submarine canyon (NW Mediterranean). Progress Oceanogr., 118, 144-158.
Balbín, R., M.M. Flexas, J.L. Lopez-Jurado, M. Peña, A. Amores, et al., 2012: Vertical velocities and biological consequences at a front detected at the Balearic Sea. Cont. Shelf Res., 47, 28–41.
Palmer, M., D. Gomis, M.M. Flexas, G. Jorda, L. Juillon, et al., 2012: Water mass pathways and transports over the South Scotia Ridge west of 50ºW. Deep Sea Res., 59, 8–24.
Ordines, F., G. Jorda, A. Quetglas, M.M. Flexas, J. Moranta, et al., 2011: Connections between hydrodynamics, benthic landscape, and associated fauna. Cont. Shelf Res., 31, 1835-1844.
Zúñiga, D., M.M. Flexas, A. Sanchez-Vidal, J. Coenjaerts, A. Calafat, et al., 2009: Particle fluxes dynamics in Blanes Submarine Canyon (Northwestern Mediterranean). Progress Oceanogr., 82, 239-251.
Sardà, F., J.B. Company, N. Bahamon, G. Rotllant, M.M. Flexas, et al., 2009: Relationship between environment and occurrence of the deep-water rose shrimp Aristeus antennatus (Risso, 1826) in the Blanes submarine canyon (Northwestern Mediterranean). Progress Oceanogr., 82, 227-238.
Flexas, M.M., D. Boyer, M. Espino, J Puigdefàbregas, A. Rubio, et al., 2008: Circulation over a submarine canyon in the NW Mediterranean. J. Geophys. Res., 113, C12002, 1-18, 10.1029/2006JC003998.
Flexas, M.M., D. Gomis, S. Ruiz, A. Pascual, and P. León, 2006: In situ and satellite observations of the eastward migration of the Western Alboran Sea Gyre. Progress Oceanogr., 70, 486-509
Rubio, A., P.A. Arnau, M. Espino, M.M. Flexas, G. Jordà, et al., 2005: A field study of the behaviour of an anticyclonic eddy on the Catalan continental shelf (NW Mediterranean). Progress Oceanogr., 66, 142-156.
Flexas, M.M., G.J.F van Heijst, and R.R. Trieling, 2005: The behaviour of jet currents over a continental slope topography with a possible application to the Northern Current. J. Phys. Oc., 35, 790-810.
Flexas, M.M., G.J.F. van Heijst, R.R. Trieling, G. Jordà, and A. Sánchez-Arcilla, 2004: Numerical simulation of barotropic jets over a sloping bottom: comparison to a laboratory model of the Northern Current. J. Geophys. Res., 109, C12039, 1-19, 10.1029/2004JC002286.
Sardà, F., A. Calafat, M.M. Flexas, A. Tselepides, M. Canals, et al., 2004: An introduction to Mediterranean deep-sea biology. Sci. Mar., 68 (3), 7-38.
Flexas, M.M., X. Durrieu de Madron, M.A. Garcia, M. Canals, and P.A. Arnau, 2002: Flow variability in the Gulf of Lions during the HFF Experiment (March - May 1997). J. Mar. Sys., 33-34, 197-214
Balbín, R., J.L. Lopez-Jurado, A. Aparicio, and M.M. Flexas, 2013: Western Mediterranean Deep Water anomaly: Previous trends, temporal evolution and spreading after 2005. Rapp. Comm. int. Mer Médit., 40, 195.
Branch, M. Troesch, M.M. Flexas, A.F. Thompson, J. Farrara, Y. Chao, S. Chien, 2017. Station keeping with an autonomous underwater glider using a predictive model of ocean currents. International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Melbourne, Australia.
Grey literature
Flexas, M.M., 2003: Mesoscale variability of the Northern Current in the Gulf of Lions and the role of bottom topography. Ph.D. thesis. Edited by: Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. 153 pp. ISBN: 84-688-5088-8. Legal register number: B-6371-2004.
Flexas, M.M., 2000: Inertial Oscillations over the Catalan Continental Shelf. M.Sc. thesis. Edited by: School of Ocean Sciences, Bangor, UK.