Donald S. Burnett
Professor of Nuclear Geochemistry, Emeritus
B.S., University of Chicago, 1959; Ph.D., University of California, 1963. Research Fellow in Physics, Caltech, 1963-65; Assistant Professor of Nuclear Geochemistry, 1965-68; Associate Professor, 1968-75; Professor, 1975-2006; Professor Emeritus, 2006-. Academic Officer, Division of Geological and Planetary Sciences, 1979-87.
Research Summary
Problems of nucleosynthesis, elemental abundances and chemical evolution of solar system; meteorite and lunar sample analyses and laboratory synthesis experiments.
Research Options
Research Areas
Chemical Petrology;
Extraterrestrial Geochemistry/Cosmochemistry;
Stable Isotope Geochemistry;
- Heber, Veronika S.;McKeegan, Kevin D. et al. (2021) Elemental Abundances of Major Elements in the Solar Wind as Measured in Genesis Targets and Implications on Solar Wind FractionationAstrophysical Journal
- Jurewicz, Amy J. G.;Olinger, Chad T. et al. (2021) Quantifying low fluence ion implants in diamond-like carbon film by secondary ion mass spectrometry by understanding matrix effectsJournal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry
- Paque, Julie M.;Hofmann, Amy E. et al. (2020) Electron Microprobe/SIMS Determinations of Al in Olivine: Applications to Solar Wind, Pallasites and Trace Element MeasurementsGeostandards and Geoanalytical Research
- Meshik, Alex;Pravdivtseva, Olga et al. (2020) Refined composition of Solar Wind xenon delivered by Genesis NASA mission: Comparison with xenon captured by extraterrestrial regolith soilsGeochimica et Cosmochimica Acta
- Huss, Gary R.;Koeman-Shields, Elizabeth et al. (2020) Hydrogen fluence in Genesis collectors: Implications for acceleration of solar wind and for solar metallicityMeteoritics and Planetary Science
- Jurewicz, A. J. G.;Rieck, K. D. et al. (2020) Magnesium isotopes of the bulk solar wind from Genesis diamond‐like carbon filmsMeteoritics and Planetary Science
- Vogel, Nadia;Heber, Veronika S. et al. (2019) Noble gas elemental abundances in three solar wind regimes as recorded by the Genesis missionGeochimica et Cosmochimica Acta
- Burnett, D. S.;Jurewicz, A. J. G. et al. (2019) The future of Genesis scienceMeteoritics and Planetary Science
- Laming, J. Martin;Heber, N. S. et al. (2017) Determining the Elemental and Isotopic Composition of the Pre-solar Nebula from Genesis Data Analysis: The Case of OxygenAstrophysical Journal Letters
- Jurewicz, Amy J. G.;Burnett, Don S. et al. (2017) Understanding heterogeneity in Genesis diamond-like carbon film using SIMS analysis of implantsJournal of Materials Science
- Yurimoto, H.;Tonotani, A. et al. (2017) Helium from Coronal Mass Ejecta Collected by NASA's GenesisMeteoritics and Planetary Science
- Choi, Y.;Eng, P. et al. (2016) Discrimination and quantification of Fe and Ni abundances in Genesis solar wind implanted collectors using X-ray standing wave fluorescence yield depth profiling with internal referencingChemical Geology
- Bajo, Ken-ichi;Olinger, Chad T. et al. (2015) Depth profiling analysis of solar wind helium collected in diamond-like carbon film from GenesisGeochemical Journal
- Burnett, Donald S.;Jurewicz, Amy J. G. et al. (2015) Ion Implants as Matrix-Appropriate Calibrators for Geochemical Ion Probe AnalysesGeostandards and Geoanalytical Research
- Meshik, A.;Pravdivtseva, O. et al. (2015) Primitive Terrestrial Xenon: A Relation to Refined Composition of Solar WindMeteoritics and Planetary Science
- Paque, J. M.;Burnett, D. S. et al. (2015) Materials Older Than Ca-Al-Rich InclusionsMeteoritics and Planetary Science
- Heber, Veronika S.;McKeegan, Kevin D. et al. (2014) Accurate analysis of shallowly implanted solar wind ions by SIMS backside depth profilingChemical Geology
- Meshik, Alex;Hohenberg, Charles et al. (2014) Heavy noble gases in solar wind delivered by Genesis missionGeochimica et Cosmochimica Acta
- Burnett, D. S. (2013) The Genesis solar wind sample return mission: Past, present, and futureMeteoritics and Planetary Science
- Paque, J. M.;Sutton, S. R. et al. (2013) XANES and Mg isotopic analyses of spinels in Ca-Al-rich inclusions: Evidence for formation under oxidizing conditionsMeteoritics and Planetary Science
- Meshik, A.;Hohenberg, C. et al. (2013) Solar Wind Krypton in Genesis Collectors and in Lunar Regolith: Why are they Different?Meteoritics and Planetary Science
- Wiens, Roger C.;Reisenfeld, Daniel B. et al. (2013) The Genesis SolarWind Concentrator: Flight and Post-Flight Conditions and Modeling of Instrumental FractionationSpace Science Reviews
- Huss, Gary R.;Nagashima, Kazuhide et al. (2012) The isotopic composition and fluence of solar-wind nitrogen in a genesis B/C array collectorMeteoritics and Planetary Science
- Humayun, M.;Jurewicz, A. J. G. et al. (2012) Evidence for Unfractionated Magnesium Isotopes in Genesis SOS WafersMeteoritics and Planetary Science
- Burnett, D. S. (2012) Genesis Solar Composition: Past, Present, and FutureMeteoritics and Planetary Science
Ge/Ch 127. Nuclear Chemistry.
9 units (3-0-6); third term, 2022-23.
Prerequisites: instructor's permission.
A survey course in the properties of nuclei, and in atomic phenomena associated with nuclear-particle detection. Topics include rates of production and decay of radioactive nuclei; interaction of radiation with matter; nuclear masses, shapes, spins, and moments; modes of radioactive decay; nuclear fission and energy generation.
Given in alternate years; offered 2022-23.
Instructor: Burnett
Instructor: Burnett
Ge/Ch 127. Nuclear Chemistry.
9 units (3-0-6); first term, 2021-22.
Prerequisites: instructor's permission.
A survey course in the properties of nuclei, and in atomic phenomena associated with nuclear-particle detection. Topics include rates of production and decay of radioactive nuclei; interaction of radiation with matter; nuclear masses, shapes, spins, and moments; modes of radioactive decay; nuclear fission and energy generation. Given in alternate years; not offered 2021-2022.
Instructor: Burnett
Instructor: Burnett
Ge/Ch 127. Nuclear Chemistry.
9 units (3-0-6); third term, 2020-21.
Prerequisites: instructor's permission.
A survey course in the properties of nuclei, and in atomic phenomena associated with nuclear-particle detection. Topics include rates of production and decay of radioactive nuclei; interaction of radiation with matter; nuclear masses, shapes, spins, and moments; modes of radioactive decay; nuclear fission and energy generation. Given in alternate years; offered 2020-21.
Instructor: Burnett
Instructor: Burnett
Ge/Ch 127. Nuclear Chemistry.
9 units (3-0-6); first term, 2019-20.
Prerequisites: instructor's permission.
A survey course in the properties of nuclei, and in atomic phenomena associated with nuclear-particle detection. Topics include rates of production and decay of radioactive nuclei; interaction of radiation with matter; nuclear masses, shapes, spins, and moments; modes of radioactive decay; nuclear fission and energy generation. Given in alternate years; offered 2019-20.
Instructor: Burnett
Instructor: Burnett