KISS Short Course - Interferometry Lands on the Moon
Chen 100
- Public Event
8:15 A.M. Coffee
8:45 A.M. - 12:30 P.M. Short Course (Informal lunch will be provided for all attendees)
All interested faculty, researchers and students are invited to attend. No registration is required for the short course. Seating is limited and is available on a first come, first served basis.
- Michelle Creech-Eakman (New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology) - A Short Primer on Optical Interferometry
- Jon Morse (Caltech) - Lunar opportunities: Artemis and International
- Gail Schaefer (Georgia State University) - An Optical Interferometry Science Briefing
- Lori Pigue (U.S. Geological Survey) -The Lunar Environment: a 30,000' View
For more information, please contact Antonio Soriano by phone at 6263953966 or by email at or visit