DIX Planetary Science Seminar
Arms 155 (Robert P. Sharp Lecture Hall)
New Insights on Planet Formation from Recent TESS Discoveries
Fei Dai,
Postdoctoral Scholar Research Associate,
Planetary Science,
California Institute of Technology,
TESS has taken over the baton of planet discovery from the Kepler mission. Its full sky coverage has enabled the discovery of a wider range of peculiar planetary systems that are amenable to detailed follow-up observations. In this talk, I will discuss some insights on planet formation provided by these recent discoveries. Specifically, I will talk about 1) a new class of planets known as the ultra-hot Neptunes; 2) planet formation and orbital architecture in low metallicity environments (Fe/H <-0.5); 3) the partial disruption of resonant chain configuration in a 600-Myr multi-planet system.
For more information, please contact Maria Camarca by email at mcamarca@caltech.edu.
Event Series
Dix Planetary Science Seminar Series