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DIX Planetary Science Seminar

Tuesday, February 11, 2025
4:00pm to 5:00pm
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Arms 155 (Robert P. Sharp Lecture Hall)
The "solar abundance" problem: Decades of discrepancy, today's progress and implications for outer solar system origins and habitability
Ngoc Truong, Postdoctoral Researcher, Southwest Research Institute,

The Sun's heavy element abundances play a critical role in shaping the formation and composition of solar system objects. They also serve as benchmarks for understanding other stars' elemental compositions. However, the past two decades have experienced a long-standing tension in the measured solar composition between spectroscopy and helioseismology, often referred to as the 'solar abundances' problem. More recently, spacecraft missions to primitive solar system bodies, such as comets and Kuiper belt objects, along with returned samples from asteroids Ryugu and Bennu, have uncovered intriguing details about early solar system chemistry. Combined with new data from solar C-N-O neutrino and solar wind measurements, I will describe some recent progress to revise the solar composition and its implications for understanding the origins of outer giant planets.

Within the outer solar system, NASA spacecraft missions have discovered the presence of liquid water beneath the frigid icy surfaces of several outer planets' satellites (e.g. Europa, Titan and Enceladus among many other potential ocean worlds). The next frontier is understanding if these environments might be capable to support life. I will describe some of our recent efforts to assess the presence of essential nutrients and free energy sources to drive metabolic processes – all critical factors to determine whether life can exist these environments.

For more information, please contact YuYu Phua by email at [email protected].