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DIX Planetary Science Seminar

Tuesday, October 22, 2024
4:00pm to 5:00pm
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Arms 155 (Robert P. Sharp Lecture Hall)
Polluting White Dwarfs with Oort Cloud Comets
Dang Pham, Graduate Student, Department of Astronomy & Astrophysics, University of Toronto,

Observations point to old white dwarfs (WDs) accreting metals at a relatively constant rate over 8 Gyrs. Exo-Oort clouds around WDs have been proposed as potential reservoirs of materials, with Galactic tide as a mechanism to deliver distant comets to the WD's Roche limit. In this talk, I will present novel simulation results showing that an exo-Oort cloud, like the one we have in the Solar System, can produce observed WD pollution rate. Then, I will briefly present the dynamics of Oort cloud comets as they interact with the WD, the background galaxy and a planet. Finally, I will discuss potential problems with having a cometary reservoir polluting WDs.

For more information, please contact Abby Keebler by email at [email protected].