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The Space Connection: Navigating the Bridge between JPL and the Caltech Campus

Tuesday, November 17, 2015
4:00pm to 6:00pm
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All students, postdocs and researchers interested in networking between JPL/Campus are encouraged to attend a panel session:

The Space Connection - Navigating the Bridge between JPL and the Caltech Campus
4:00 PM Panel
5:15 PM Networking Reception


  • Moderator: Dr. Cinzia Zuffada
  • Dr. Morgan Cable (JPL)
  • Professor Julia Greer (Campus)
  • Professor Fiona Harrison (Campus)
  • Dr. Stephanie Leifer (JPL)

The panelists will briefly discuss their science, their backgrounds, and how they made their connections across our community. In addition to the panelists, there will be a number of other JPL/Campus researchers who have successfully traversed this bridge and will be available for networking during the reception.  Due to the restricted size of the venue,  RSVP is required please visit our website to register

For more information, please contact Erin-Kate Escobar by phone at 626-395-3221 or by email at [email protected] or visit The Space Connection -Navigating the Bridge between JPL and the Caltech Campus.