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Geology Club Seminar

Thursday, October 15, 2015
4:00pm to 5:00pm
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Arms 151 (Buwalda Room)
High temperature aqueous alteration and diagenesis: New insights with imaging spectroscopy from microns to meters and future directions
Rebecca Greenberger, JPL,

Imaging spectroscopy is a technique that has been used for decades from airborne and orbital platforms.  These types of systems have recently been miniaturized for use on the ground in the field and in the laboratory, and imaging spectroscopy of samples and outcrops provides new insights into a variety of geological processes.  I will present case studies of work using imaging spectroscopy along with other laboratory analyses to understand water-rock interactions in a serpentinizing system and at a site of volcano-lacustrine interactions with implications for Mars.  Finally, I will briefly highlight my future research directions at JPL.

For more information, please contact Lisa Christiansen by phone at 626-395-6127 or by email at [email protected].