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Dix Seismo Lab Seminar

Friday, October 9, 2015
4:00pm to 5:00pm
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South Mudd 256 (Benioff Room)
P-Wave Attenuation with Implications for Earthquake Early Warning and Beyond
Alon Ziv, Tel Aviv University,
  Several widely implemented/tested earthquake early warning (EEW) algorithms employ empirical equations that relate earthquake magnitudes with ground motion peak amplitudes and hypocentral distances. This approach is effective to the extent that the offline data set available for setting the fitting coefficients in those equations is of sufficient quality and quantity. To address the problem of limited data set, however, it is instructive to gain physical understanding of the main factors controlling the P-wave attenuation. In this study, theoretical expressions are derived that relate the root-mean-square of the P-wave displacement, drms, and velocity, vrms, to the seismic moment, stress drop and hypocentral distance. The theoretical attenuation laws are then validated against observed attenuation, using earthquake data from Southern California and Japan. Good agreement is found between observed and predicted ground motions. The similar ground motion attenuation in California and Japan suggests that the attenuation laws are similarly applicable for the two regions, and implies that they may also be implemented in other regions without having to go through a lengthy calibration phase. Due to drms being more strongly dependent on the seismic moment than vrms, use of the attenuation law for drms yields better magnitude prediction than that of vrms. It is shown that drms to vrms ratio is proportional to the characteristic length of the rupture, and that the stress drop is a function of the seismic moment and the cube of drms/vrms. This result paves the way for a new stress drop determination scheme that is totally independent of previously used approaches. Finally, it is shown that the root-mean-squares of the ground motions are proportional to their peak values.
For more information, please contact Lisa Christiansen by phone at 626-395-6127 or by email at [email protected].