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Caltech SmallSats Student Operations: Initial Meeting

Wednesday, February 20, 2019
12:00pm to 1:00pm
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Students! Want to operate satellites in space? CubeSats and SmallSats are playing a growing role in Earth observation and solar system exploration (e.g. the MarCO satellites at Mars). Through a partnership with JPL, we expect that 5-10 Caltech students will have the opportunity to be trained to operate smallsats in space. This is a paid position, thanks to the generosity of members of Caltech's Space Innovation Council. Interested? Dr. Andy Klesh, lecturer in EAS, and Prof. Bethany Ehlmann, GPS, will host an informational meeting. The faculty team includes Profs. Andrade, Elachi, and Gharib and others in GALCIT.

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Feel free to bring your lunch; we will start ~12:10pm.

For more information, please contact Loreta Young by phone at 626-395-6481 or by email at [email protected].