Caltech GPS Division Analytical Facility

        Analytical facilities in the GPS Division are available to the campus and JPL on a fee basis. Both instrument time and operator services are available. Under certain conditions, analytical services are provided to other universities, government labs, non-profit organizations, corporations and individuals. 

Dr. Chi Ma
Director, GPS Analytical Facility
Geological and Planetary Sciences
California Institute of Technology
MC 170-25, Pasadena, CA 91125

chima [AT]
626-395 6253 (office: B151 Arms)
626-395 6126 (lab: B150 Arms)
Hours:  9:00 - 17:00

Eran Funaro (TA)
Email: efunaro [AT]

FE EPMA (B150 Arms)
Field Emission Electron Probe Microanalyzer
- WDS, EDS, X-ray mapping
- BSE, SE, CL imaging
FE SEM (B150 Arms)
Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope
(ZEISS 1550 VP)
- SE, BSE, CL, VPSE, FSE, STEM, 3D imaging
XRF (B150 Arms)
Micro-XRF Spectrometer (Bruker M4 TORNADO)
Coaters (B154 Arms)
- Turbo Carbon Evaporator
- HR Metal Sputtering Coater
Online Scheduling

  Schedule - Click here

Nanomineralogy | EPMA | SEM | Geological & Planetary Sciences | Caltech
 (c) 2023 GPS Division Analytical Facility, Caltech.
Last update: 03/02/2023