Ge126 Topics in Geomorphology

Winter 2012 Reading List

January 6th: Introduction to alluvial fans and pediments


Processes and Forms of Alluvial Fans, Blair and McPherson, Chapter 14 in Geomorphology of Desert Environments.


Controls on alluvial fans long profile (Stock et al., 2007)


January 13th: Fan Entrenchment and Climate Change


Holocene hydrological changes inferred from alluvial stream entrenchment in North Tian Shan, (Poisson and Avouac, 2004).


Nicholas and Quine, Modeling alluvial landform change in the absence of external environmental forcing, 2007


January 20th: Experiments

Channel Dynamics, Sediment Transport, and the Slope of Alluvial Fans: Experimental Study (Whipple et al., 1998)


Autocyclic behaviour of fan deltas: an analogue experimental study (Van Dijk Maurits et al., 2009)


January 27th: Theory


Alluvial fans formed by channelized fluvial and sheet flow. I: Theory (Parker et al., 1998)


Fluvial fan deltas: Linking channel processes with large-scale morphodynamics (Sun et al., 2002)


February 3rd: Tectonic Coupling


Natural oscillations in coupled geomorphic systems: An alternative origin for cyclic sedimentation (Humphrey & Heller, 1995)


How does alluvial sedimentation at range fronts modify the erosion dynamics of mountain catchments, (Carretier and Lucazeau, 2005).

Feb. 10th: Tectonic Coupling


Development and response of a coupled catchment fan system under changing tectonic and climatic forcing (Densmore et al., 2007)


Pepin et al., Erosion dynamics modeling in a coupled catchment-fan system with constant external forcing, Geomorphology, 2010.


Feb. 17th: Debris flow fans


Dynamic controls on erosion and deposition on debris-flow fans, (Schurch et al., 2011).


The influence of debris-flow rheology on fan morphology, Owens valley, California (Whipple and Dunne, 1992).

Feb. 24th: No Class


Pediments in Arid Environments, Parsons and Dohrenwend, Chapter 13 of Geomorphology of desert environments


March 2nd: Pediments


Oberlander, T. M., 1974, Landscape inheritance and the pediment problem in the Mojave desert of Southern California, American Journal of Science, v. 274, p. 849-875.


Nichols, et al. (2005). "Cosmogenically enabled sediment budgeting." Geology; v. 33; no. 2; p. 133 136; doi: 10.1130/G21006.1.


March 9th: Pediments


How do pediments form?: A numerical modeling investigation with comparison to pediments in southern Arizona (Pelletier, 2010).


Strudley, M. W., and Murray, A. B., 2007, Sensitivity analysis of pediment development through numerical simulation and selected geospatial query, Geomorphology, 88, p. 329-351, doi:10.1016/j.geomorph.2006.12.008.