Ge121c: Advanced Field Geology Instructor:
Michael Lamb TA:
Ajay Limaye Goal: In this
course we will employ geomorphic mapping, topographic surveying, sediment
size measurements, and sediment transport calculations to investigate landform
evolution. The first half of the class will focus on the record of climate
change preserved by channel entrenchment on pediments and alluvial fans in
the Mojave Desert and Death Valley. The second half of the class will focus
on the record of tectonics recorded in drainage basins of the Dragons Back
Ridge, Carrizo Plain. We will focus on addressing the following questions: 1)
Why are pediments and fans different? 2) Why are alluvial fans entrenched? Is
this a signature of the climate change? 3) How do hillslopes and channels
respond to a change in uplift? Trip Itinerary
Post trip activities: We will meet
once per week spring quarter to work through the analysis of data collected
in the field. Tentative meeting time is Friday 3-5 pm, 267 Arms. Deliverables: 1) Field
notebooks. 2) Geomorphic maps from Death Valley and Dragon�s Back Ridge. 3)
Digitized data (Excel) from channel and sediment-size surveys. 4) Data
analysis results (to be completed as a group after the trip). DUE JUNE 15th Driving Route Map Google Earth
File of Mapping
Areas (Please look at landscapes before trip) Required
Readings (read before trip and bring on trip!): Controls on
alluvial fans long profile (Stock et al., 2007) Hilley and Arrowsmith - Supplement Other useful Readings: Alluvial Fan and Pediment Reading List Hilley
and Arrowsmith Dragons Back Field Guide Arrowsmith Wallace Creek
Exercises Sieh and Janns, Holocene activity of the San Andreas Fault at
Wallace Creek, CA Zielke et al., 2010 and Supplement Logistics: We will map for a total of 9 days. The first night
will be camping in a remote area of the desert with no facilities. Day 2-5
will be in a campground with toilets and water. Days 6-9 will be in a
campground with toilets but no water. The GPS Division will provide group camp
gear (stoves, lanterns, tables, chairs, water jugs, ice chests, pots &
pans, dishes). We also will bring measurement gear (hand levels, measuring
tapes, pebble count tapes, stadia rods, shovel, field books, maps, gps, laptops, colored pencils). We will shop for food
together on Day 1. Students are responsible for their own field equipment. Please also bring your personal copies of the
required readings. You may choose to bring your own laptop for calculations. Useful
Websites and Maps: |