William E. Leonhard Professor of Mineral Physics
Seismological Laboratory

Jennifer Jackson's research explores the depths of Earth's interior: From the central inner core to plume-roots at the core-mantle boundary to deep hydrogen cycling and plumbing architecture underneath active volcanic systems. Recent Highlights include:

Deep within the Earth

Iron Oxide Withstands Extreme Temperatures and Pressures, in a Quantum Critical State! (Ho et al. Nature Comm. 2024) (Nature Physics Highlight)
(Dobrosavljevic et al. Nature Comm. 2023) (News Release)
(FeO-rich ULVZs)

Hydrogen cycling on Earth and beyond

Single-grain analysis of iron's oxidation state in volcanic amphiboles: The first study of its kind (Ratchbacher et al. 2023)
Shear elasticity and high-pressure phase transitions in hydrous sulfates (Pardo et al. 2023); vibrational anisotropy (Buchen et al. 2021) and equation of state of dense oxyhydroxides (Strozewski et al. 2023)

NASA Balloon Detects California Earthquake –
Next Stop, Venus? (PDF) (News Release)

Jennifer's research group (on YouTube!)

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