Joann M. Stock
Professor of Geology and Geophysics
B.S., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1981; M.S., 1981; Ph.D., 1988. Visiting Assistant Professor, Caltech, 1990; Associate Professor, 1992-98; Professor, 1998-.
Research Summary
Plate tectonics; structural geology; evolution of plate boundaries; stress and deformation in the lithosphere; physical volcanology; tectonics and regional structure of the Pacific-North America and Pacific-Australia plate boundaries; active volcanism and CO2 emissions; tectonics of Venus.
Research Options
Research Areas
Marine Geophysics;
Ongoing Research in Tectonics
Joann Stock's research interests involve a wide range of tectonic problems, including global and regional plate tectonic questions, and geological and geophysical field studies related to plate boundary evolution.
Recent Ocean Drilling Projects
I sailed as a structural geologist on IODP Expedition 385 to the Guaymas Basin, Gulf of California (mid September to mid November 2019). We drilled numerous holes in young sediments for tectonics and geobiology studies. I am collaborating with other US and Mexican scientists on the correlation of ash layers and the core-log-seismic integration.
I sailed as co-chief scientist on IODP Expedition 367 to the South China Sea Rifted Margin (Feb. 9 to April 9, 2017). This was a two-expedition project, followed by
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- Yamanaka, Toshiro;Sakamoto, Arisa et al. (2024) Nitrogen isotope homogenization of dissolved ammonium with depth and ¹⁵N enrichment of ammonium during incorporation into expandable layer silicates in organic-rich marine sediment from Guaymas Basin, Gulf of CaliforniaChemical Geology
- Aiello, Ivano W.;Höfig, Tobias W. et al. (2024) Mineralization kinetics of biosiliceous sediments in hot subseafloorsGeochimica et Cosmochimica Acta
- Hauksson, Egill;Jones, Lucile M. et al. (2024) Synthesis of Current Seismicity and Tectonics Along the 1857 M_w 7.9 Fort Tejon Earthquake Rupture and the Southernmost San Andreas Fault, California, USAJournal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth
- Sabbeth, L.;Stock, J. (2023) Updated Isopach Map of the Tuff of San Felipe in Baja California, Mexico
- Stock, J. M. (2022) MASTER: Airborne Science, Baja Mexico-Nevada, April-May, 1999
- Hauksson, Egill;Stock, Joann M. et al. (2022) Seismicity in a weak crust: the transtensional tectonics of the Brawley Seismic Zone section of the Pacific-North America Plate Boundary in Southern California, USAGeophysical Journal International
- Huerta, Jorge Antonio Puente;González-Escobar, Mario et al. (2022) Structure of the Northern Altar Pull-Apart Basin Revealed by a 2D Reflection Seismic Survey: Evolution of the Gulf of California Shear Zone in Northwest MexicoPure and Applied Geophysics
- Sahakian, Valerie J.;Derosier, Boe J. et al. (2022) Shallow distributed faulting in the Imperial Valley, California, USAGeology
- Cosenza-Muralles, B.;DeMets, C. et al. (2022) Co-seismic and post-seismic deformation for the 1995 Colima–Jalisco and 2003 Tecomán thrust earthquakes, Mexico subduction zone, from modelling of GPS dataGeophysical Journal International
- Cosenza-Muralles, B.;DeMets, C. et al. (2022) GPS-derived interseismic fault locking along the Jalisco–Colima segment of the Mexico subduction zoneGeophysical Journal International
- Shuck, Brandon;Gulick, Sean P. S. et al. (2022) Stress transition from horizontal to vertical forces during subduction initiationNature Geoscience
- Higa, Justin T.;Brown, Nathan D. et al. (2022) Microcontinent Breakup and Links to Possible Plate Boundary Reorganization in the Northern Gulf of California, MéxicoTectonics
- Ramirez, E. E.;Bataille, Klaus et al. (2021) Moho Depth of Northern Baja California, Mexico, From Teleseismic Receiver FunctionsEarth and Space Science
- Shuck, Brandon;Van Avendonk, Harm et al. (2021) Strike-Slip Enables Subduction Initiation Beneath a Failed Rift: New Seismic Constraints From Puysegur Margin, New ZealandTectonics
- Davey, Fred J.;Cande, Stephen et al. (2021) Cenozoic continental rifting in the north-western Ross SeaNew Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics
- Patel, Jiten;Sutherland, Rupert et al. (2021) Stratigraphic architecture of Solander Basin records Southern Ocean currents and subduction initiation beneath southwest New ZealandBasin Research
- Witkosky, Rebecca A.;Stock, Joann M. et al. (2020) The Lavic Lake Fault: A Long-Term Cumulative Slip Analysis via Combined Field Work and Thermal Infrared Hyperspectral Airborne Remote SensingRemote Sensing
- Li, Fucheng;Sun, Zhen et al. (2020) Continental Interior and Edge Breakup at Convergent Margins Induced by Subduction Direction Reversal: A Numerical Modeling Study Applied to the South China Sea MarginTectonics
- Persaud, Patricia;Pritchard, Edward H. et al. (2020) Scales of Stress Heterogeneity Near Active Faults in the Santa Barbara Channel, Southern CaliforniaGeochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems
- Wang, Lijie;Sun, Zhen et al. (2019) Seismic characteristics and evolution of post-rift igneous complexes and hydrothermal vents in the Lingshui sag (Qiongdongnan basin), northwestern South China SeaMarine Geology
- Sun, Liheng;Sun, Zhen et al. (2019) Microstructures documenting Cenozoic extension processes in the northern continental margin of the South China SeaInternational Geology Review
- Gurnis, Michael;Van Avendonk, Harm et al. (2019) Incipient subduction at the contact with stretched continental crust: The Puysegur TrenchEarth and Planetary Science Letters
- Ramírez Ramos, Erik Esteban;Vidal-Villegas, José Antonio et al. (2019) A Crustal Velocity Model for the Peninsular Ranges of Baja California and Southwestern Laguna Salada, MexicoSeismological Research Letters
- Ajala, Rasheed;Persaud, Patricia et al. (2019) Three-Dimensional Basin and Fault Structure From a Detailed Seismic Velocity Model of Coachella Valley, Southern CaliforniaJournal of Geophysical Research. Solid Earth
- Larsen, H. C.;Stock, J. et al. (2018) Rapid transition from continental breakup to igneous oceanic crust in the South China SeaNature Geoscience
Ge 121 abc. Advanced Field Geology.
12 units (0-9-3); first, second, third terms, 2023-24.
Prerequisites: Ge 120 or equivalent, or instructor's permission. For Ge 121a (Lamb): Ge 125 or instructor approval.
Field mapping and supporting laboratory studies in topical problems related to the geology of the southwestern United States. Course provides a breadth of experience in igneous, metamorphic, or sedimentary rocks or geomorphology. Multiple terms of 121 may be taken more than once for credit if taught by different instructors.
Instructors: Lamb (a), Grotzinger (b), Stock (c)
Instructors: Lamb (a), Grotzinger (b), Stock (c)
Ge 122 abc. Field Geology Seminar.
6 units (1-3-2); first, second, third terms, 2023-24.
Prerequisites: Ge 11 ab or Ge 101, or instructor's permission.
Each term, a different field topic will be examined in both seminar and field format. Relevant readings will be discussed in a weekly class meeting. During the 3-day weekend field trip we will examine field localities relevant to the topic, to permit detailed discussion of the observations. Topic varies every year. Graded pass/fail. Topic: Anza-Borrego State Park.
Ge 122b offered 2023-24 (second term only).
Instructor: Stock
Instructor: Stock
FS/Ge 16. First-year Seminar: Earthquakes.
6 units (2-0-4); first term, 2023-24.
Earthquakes and volcanic eruptions constitute some of the world's major natural hazards. What is the science behind prediction and/or rapid response to these events? We will review the current understanding of the science, the efforts that have been made in earthquake and volcano forecasting, and real-time response to these events. We will learn about advances in earthquake preparation in Southern California, and volcanic eruption forecasting and hazard mitigation elsewhere. There is a required field trip to visit faults and volcanoes somewhere in southern California. First-year (undergraduates) only; limited enrollment.
Instructor: Stock
Instructor: Stock
Ge 161. Plate Tectonics.
9 units (3-0-6); first term, 2023-24.
Prerequisites: Ge 11 ab or equivalent.
Geophysical and geological observations related to plate tectonic theory. Instantaneous and finite motion of rigid plates on a sphere; marine magnetic and paleomagnetic measurements; seismicity and tectonics of plate boundaries; reference frames and absolute plate motions. Interpretations of geologic data in the context of plate tectonics; plate tectonic evolution of the ocean basins.
Instructor: Stock
Instructor: Stock
Ge 122 abc. Field Geology Seminar.
6 units (1-3-2); first, second, third terms, 2022-23.
Prerequisites: Ge 11 ab or Ge 101, or instructor's permission.
Each term, a different field topic in Southern California will be examined in both seminar and field format. Relevant readings will be discussed in a weekly class meeting. During the 3-day weekend field trip we will examine field localities relevant to the topic, to permit detailed discussion of the observations. Topic: TBD. Graded pass/fail.
Ge 122 b offered 2022-23 (second term only)
Instructor: Stock
Instructor: Stock
FS/Ge 16. First-year Seminar: Earthquakes.
6 units (2-0-4); first term, 2022-23.
Earthquakes and volcanic eruptions constitute some of the world's major natural hazards. What is the science behind prediction and/or rapid response to these events? We will review the current understanding of the science, the efforts that have been made in earthquake and volcano forecasting, and real-time response to these events. We will learn about advances in earthquake preparation in Southern California, and volcanic eruption forecasting and hazard mitigation elsewhere. There is a required field trip to visit faults and volcanoes somewhere in southern California. First-year (undergraduates) only; limited enrollment.
Instructor: Stock
Instructor: Stock
Ge 161. Plate Tectonics.
9 units (3-0-6); first term, 2022-23.
Prerequisites: Ge 11 ab or equivalent.
Geophysical and geological observations related to plate tectonic theory. Instantaneous and finite motion of rigid plates on a sphere; marine magnetic and paleomagnetic measurements; seismicity and tectonics of plate boundaries; reference frames and absolute plate motions. Interpretations of geologic data in the context of plate tectonics; plate tectonic evolution of the ocean basins.
Instructor: Stock
Instructor: Stock